
November 17, 2024

Links you should read 2024-11-16

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , , , , — DrMundane @ 12:02 am

Staring at, with Becky Ferreira writing this weeks edition of ‘the Abstract’. The portion that really stirs my mind is the story on AI poetry, and how in one test readers preferred the AI generated poems. Why? To quote the article quoting the research

“Non-expert poetry readers expect to like human-authored poems more than they like AI-generated poems,” said authors Brian Porter and Edouard Machery of the University of Pittsburgh. “But in fact, they find the AI-generated poems easier to interpret; they can more easily understand images, themes, and emotions in the AI-generated poetry than they can in the more complex poetry of human poets. They therefore prefer these poems, and misinterpret their own preference as evidence of human authorship.”  

I must say I am disheartened by this result. Not particularly surprised. As far as I am concerned much of the joy of poetry is in chewing on it. I have had great conversations on the poems I send out on my Christmas cards, and I feel this only because both of us had really thought on the poem (A burdock clawed my gown, not burdocks blame, but mine…) and then weeks later had a chance to discuss what it means to us. Luckily poetry will live on, I have no fear of that. We may just have to sing its praises louder.

On the politics front, Orac at Respectful Insolence describes why exactly RFK Jr. is bad news as HHS secretary. I can’t help but agree with him that the media has done a fine job of making RFK Jr. seem far more palatable than he is, and I expect that trend to continue. They will cover this administration ‘as usual’, so they can maintain their access.

In a surprising turn of events, I agree with Bill Clinton. Per the NYT:

President-elect Donald J. Trump made Vice President Kamala Harris’s support for transgender rights a core part of his argument that she was outside the political mainstream. His campaign used video of Ms. Harris expressing support for taxpayer-funded transition surgeries for transgender inmates in a torrent of ads that declared: “Kamala is for they/them. President Trump is for you.”

The Harris campaign largely did not answer those ads, but, internally, the Democratic Party was roiled by them. Former President Bill Clinton was said to have urged the Harris campaign to respond to them, and to have been told that they were not making an obvious dent in the race.

I had certainly felt (and have not written it… argh) that the Democratic Party had really failed in any messaging defending trans people, and this to me sounds exactly like how I expected them to talk about it. Running right down the middle and not standing for anything. Take it for granted that you will get their votes. Such an approach is not up to the seriousness of this moment. Token resistance will not be enough. Words will not be enough. Definite action will be needed. Will they be willing to pay the political cost? I doubt it.

I’m sorry. Perhaps I am too negative.

To end on a positive note, more from my archive.

November 9, 2024

Links you should read – 2024-11-8

Filed under: Daily Links — Tags: , , — DrMundane @ 3:02 am

Most especially the section “Fuck Civility”

Amicus Brief in Parents Protecting Our Children, UA v. Eau Claire Area School District joined by 16 states. “Parents Rights” (to be transphobic, or to control their children). I may write more on this.

see also: gender classifier. I can report from experience how the algorithms they develop seem to lean into pushing content once they have decided you are a {thing} that gets engagement. I can also report that it’s uncomfortable when they get it wrong and keep pushing.

As Goode says:

“…In both cases, I’m supposed to tell the algorithms who I am. I’m supposed to do the work. I’m supposed to swipe more. I’ll be so much better off if I do. And so will they.”

We loose when we don’t let the algorithms know who we are, but we sure as shit also loose when we do. A double bind, right?

November 6, 2024

The 2024 Election – First Reaction

Filed under: Notes — Tags: , , — DrMundane @ 12:43 pm

I can’t write.

My thoughts are too scattered.

I hope to start coming up with something soon.

I wish truly, for everyone, as much comfort and safety as is possible for today.

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